3. First Visualizations and Statistical Tests with Real Data#
This page links to interactive elements for Chapter 3 of Foundations of Data Science with Python
Interactive elements:
Section 3.1: Introduction to Pandas (interactive quiz)
Section 3.2: Visualizing Multiple Data Sets - Part 1: Scatter Plots (interactive quiz and flashcard)
Section 3.3: Partitions (interactive quiz and flashcards)
Section 3.4: Summary Statistics (interactive quiz and flashcards, code to produce some figures from the book)
Section 3.5: Visualizing Multiple Data Sets - Part 2: Histograms for Partitioned Data (interactive quiz)
Section 3.6: Null Hypothesis Testing with Real Data (interactive quiz and flashcards)
Section 3.7: A Quick Preview of Two-Dimensional Statistical Methods (interactive quiz)
Section 3.8: Chapter Summary (interactive quizzes and flashcards)